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5 Reasons Why You Should Stay In A Hostel

Are you planning to travel around the world but you have concerns about the cost? One way to save while on the road is to find cheap accommodation, and that’s where hostels come into play. Hostels offer accommodation at a reduced cost compared to hotels and other forms of accommodation. Why should you stay in a hostel?

On average, many people opt to stay in hostels due to their low costs, since you only have to pay for the bed. It’s also a great place to meet new people, share adventures, and make new friends. However, unlike hotels, you’ll find that the level of hospitality is limited in hostels.

That’s not all, as you still need to know if it’s worth living in a hostel and whether you share rooms with other guests, which you will learn if you read on.

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Why You Should Stay in Hostels?

Traveling around the world can be a tasking experience where you’re faced with the dangers of being in new places and running out of money. As you may suspect, accommodation takes a considerable chunk of your money, and it’s up to you to find better ways of reducing this cost.

Hostels are preferred by many since they’re a cheaper alternative to other accommodation arrangements. Unlike hotels where you book the entire room, hostels only allow you to book a bunk bed that you’ll be sleeping in while you visit. Hostels also charge for the night like hotels, but you only pay a fraction of the price, with some charging only $15 a night.

Hostels are also widespread across the world, with many investors realizing the potential they pose businesswise. This way, you’ll only have to do a simple search online to come across hundreds of hostels. You could also rely on recommendations from other people who have taken your route in their previous travels.

Are Hostels Worth It?

Hostels are the best accommodation options for people traveling on a budget. Their popularity has risen in the last decade due to the growing number of digital nomads, backpackers, adventurers, and other travelers seeking the thrill of being on the road.

While some might prefer the privacy of a hotel room, they’re suited for people who are on a short business trip and are not planning to overstay their booking. However, for someone who is planning to be on the road for months or even a whole year, hostels are great for several reasons:

  • They’re clean – For someone who has never used a hostel, they might think of them to be disorganized and untidy. However, this is not true as hostel management goes above and beyond to keep them clean.
  • Free WiFi – Free WiFi is part of the incentive that hostels use to lure in new guests. Whether you’re a digital nomad or someone who likes to update their social media account regularly, you’ll benefit from this.
  • Parties – Part of traveling is having fun, and there is no better way of having fun than parties. Some hostels host special events like Karaoke night during the weekend.
  • Be with your peers – Hostels are populated mainly by young people seeking adventure. It’s a great place to be with your peers and learn a few things.

Hostels have a lot to offer to their guests that many people don’t bother booking hotel rooms anymore. However, there are still several drawbacks that you need to be aware of so that you can prepare for them accordingly. They include:

  • Snoring roommates – It’s a health condition, and there is nothing they can do about it. However, you can invest in noise-canceling headphones.
  • Drunken roommates – A few glasses of alcohol is not wrong, but some people can’t hold their liquor or control themselves when drunk. However, some hostels don’t allow on-premises drinking.

5 Reasons Why You Should Stay In A Hostel

Hostels have come a long way since people started to realize their potential. Their popularity has soared through so much over the years that it’s easy to find most of them overbooked, especially during the holidays. Some hostels also require upfront booking, especially those which have managed to build an excellent reputation in the market.

Here are some reasons why you should choose to stay in a hostel on your next travels:

You Should Stay In A Hostel - info

Save Some Money on Accommodation

It would be a nightmare to run out of funds halfway through your travels, and it’s a common problem experienced by many. A lot of people are forced to take on odd jobs such as waiting tables to finance their stay or travels. Hostels happen to be cheaper, and there are no minimum days you need to pay for to stay either.

In most cases, you might pay less than $20 for a one-night stay, something that is hard to find in hotels. Even though you’ll be sharing bathrooms, kitchens, and other resources, it’s still worth the money. You may also not get the high-end comfort that hotels offer, but the beds are decent enough to sleep on.

Meet Traveling Companions

Although you might get most of the details regarding your trip from an online journal, blog post, or social media group, most of the information is not up to date, and you might miss out on a great opportunity.

Hostels allow you to meet other travelers to share your stories with, hang out, and get to know each other. Such connections are helpful as you may end up learning of new hostels offering great deals, job opportunities for people who need more cash, or travel ideas. You may also forge new relationships and gain traveling companions.

Participate in Free Activities

Being on the road can get lonely at times, and a little socializing is always welcomed. Hostels are known to host free or very cheap activities such as BBQs, hiking, and walking tours. Participating in such activities is a great way to meet new friends, explore the landscape, and make new memories. It won’t put you at a financial risk either, and you’ll have a lot to talk about when you’re back home.

Make sure you ask the hostel management regarding the free activities they offer before booking. An alternative way is asking people who had stayed there about their experience.

Experience the City Like Never Before

A lot of hostels are located within the city, making it easy for you to experience it like you never could if you stayed in a hotel. While you might be forced to tour the city on your own when staying in a hotel room, hostels allow you to connect with other travelers where you can tour the city in groups.

You’ll be surprised to learn a few things from other travelers, such as the best places to eat, hang out, and have some drinks.

Working together as a group is more fun than being alone in a strange city. Some people have been known to alter their entire trip based on the people they meet in hostels. However, exercise caution when meeting new people as not all seems like it appears.

Improve Your Sociability

Hostels are great places for people who suffer from social anxiety and awkwardness. It allows you to practice your people skills and improve on your connection with others. It’s easier to be yourself around strangers who don’t know your background. Also, meeting people from different cultural backgrounds helps you to see the world from a different view.

Apart from improving your social life, you also get to learn things from other people and their backgrounds. Some of the information you learn from other travelers might come in handy on your trip, especially if you’re planning to visit their country someday. Although socializing is not for everyone, it’s essential to try and encourage yourself to interact with others for the sake of learning new things.

Do You Share Rooms In Hostels?

On average, people in hostels share sleeping spaces as most of them have a hall filled with beds. However, some hostels are known to offer private rooms which can handle one or two beds to share with your traveling companion.

However, the number of people sharing the sleeping space depends on the size of the hostel, where larger hostels can accommodate more people in one hall. While such arrangements might be cheaper and ideal for many people, there are also some concerns that you need to keep in mind. However, such concerns are easy to manage since hostel managements are taking proper measures to deal with them.

They include:

  • Potential health hazard – It’s easy for an outbreak to occur, particularly the common cold, if one or several guests get sick. However, the hostel management is always prepared for such a scenario.
  • Theft – Although uncommon, you cannot rule it out, especially when you’re surrounded by strangers. However, there are CCTV cameras installed, with everyone expected to check out when others are still around the hostel.

What Should I Wear to Sleep in a Hostel?

It’s crucial to remain decent while staying in a hostel, and that includes sleeping as well. Sleeping in your pajamas is the appropriate thing to do when staying in a hostel. However, it’s also acceptable to sleep in your underwear or shorts with a T-shirt. It’s not okay to sleep naked as hostels don’t allow this.

Make sure you don’t make other guests uncomfortable with your outfits, as you might find your stay there being cut short. In case you booked a private room, you can choose to dress as you wish as long as you cover up before members of the staff report for their duties.

Before deciding to wear anything to sleep, mind your surroundings, as some people might take advantage of the situation. Anytime you are in a situation where you have to sleep near strangers, you should take special care to protect yourself and your belongings. You are not in a private bedroom, so it is a good idea to err on the side of overdressing.


Hostels are a cheaper and reliable accommodation plan for anyone traveling around the world on a tight budget. It’s a great place to meet new people to share adventures with, learn new cultures, practice your social skills, and make new memories. You can also participate in free activities that contribute to your overall experience and see brand new cities like never before. People in hostels share sleeping spaces, but it all depends on the size of the hostel. It’s okay to sleep in a t-shirt and shorts.

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