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The Top 7 Ways to Relax When Flying

Ways to Relax When Flying

Flying is not always a fun experience especially for those who have high anxiety and hate flying. It can be nerve wracking as all the possibilities run through your head and being up so high in the sky but there are ways to help with your worries.

You can find what best fits your anxieties. You have many options to choose from. Here are some ways that will not only smooth the ride for you but help you calm your anxieties while flying.

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How Do You Get Rid Of Flight Anxiety?

Getting rid of your anxiety can be difficult. If you have trouble flying to the extent that you choose not to fly, you can always tackle it through therapy. Fears and phobias stem from trauma that causes you to have this high level of anxiety. A therapist or psychologist can help you with that.

There are many ways you can calm yourself and your worries while flying. With so many solutions, you can find what best fits you, whether it is sedatives or something a little less medicinal.


Understanding your phobia and its root can help you find the key to reducing the anxiety to a manageable amount. A therapist or psychologist can provide you with the information and coping skills that you can use to combat the anxiety. Knowing the name of your phobia or understanding why you’re afraid can help alleviate the stress of the unknown.

Here are some simple coping skills that you can use if you find yourself at the forefront of an anxiety attack:

  • Finger touches.
  • Use deep breathing.
  • Count to ten.
  • Touch something cold or warm.
  • Close your eyes and try to drown any loud noises out.
  • Focus on an object and describe it in great detail.
  • Engage in some exercise.
  • Journal or concentrate on another task.
  • Find a mantra that will help you.

Any of these can work. Practice these regularly when you feel like you have anxiety. It is easy to use the coping skills when you are fine but harder when it is time to fight that stress. These are all skills you can use while on the plane.

What Is The Best Sedative For Flying?

If you have heavy anxiety while flying, there are many sedatives you can take that are both prescriptions and over-the-counter. It all depends on your level of anxiety and what works for you.

The best sedative that will surely keep you calm is Xanax. It is fast-paced, and you can take it 30 minutes or less before you take off your flight so that you won’t have to worry about your anxiety. Remember to always consult your doctor before taking any medication so that you both can find the best solution.


Besides Xanax, you can contact your doctor to get prescribed other alternatives. One popular alternative is Ativan. It is fast-acting as well and can help you calm your nerves before your flight. Medications can affect each person differently, so please discuss options with your doctor.

Over The Counter

If you just need something to calm your nerves only slightly or don’t have time to get a prescription, you can choose to get an over-the-counter drug. Here are some of those options:

  • Melatonin
  • Magnesium supplements
  • Benadryl
  • Dramamine

If you are unsure about any drugs, consult with a doctor. You can also request to speak with a pharmacist at any store and consult with them. They can answer any questions you might have that can’t be answered by your doctor right away.

The Top 7 Ways To Relax When Flying

Fear of flying can make your flight miserable. The anxiety can cause you so much discomfort that you even question why you are flying. But don’t worry. There are many ways you can tackle your phobia that doesn’t always include sedatives.

Think About Your Destination

It is always a good idea to have a picture of your destination. Keep it in your mind as you are about to take off. It can help distract you from your anxiety or at least keep it within manageable levels.

Imagine yourself at your destination and the activities you will be doing. Picture yourself spending time doing the things you have planned and being with the people you love. It will help distract you from your current situation and calm down those nerves.

Know The Safety Information

Usually, anxieties happen because of the unknown. You don’t know what will happen, and you will have to accept that, but it doesn’t mean you can’t be ready for any mishaps that may happen along the way.

Each seat has safety information on how to handle any emergency landings. Familiarize yourself with this information. It can help ease your mind knowing that you have the tools to combat any mishaps that occur.

You can also find more safety information on the company’s website. You can find almost all the solutions to situations that could come up. Make sure to look at percentages to see that these mishaps rarely happen, and you are more likely to get into a car accident than have issues on a flight.

If you know you are not great when something occurs, tell the flight attendant. You don’t want to be seated at an emergency exit as those passengers have to help others off the plane when these exits need to be used.

Use Different Forms Of Distractions

Distraction is one of the best medicines for anxiety and is often used in the medical field to help patients staying in the hospital. There are many ways that you can distract yourself, including these activities:

  • Watch a movie or show
  • Listen to music
  • Reading
  • Writing
  • Talking to someone

It is good to have a movie or show downloaded onto a handheld device before your flight. This saves you money, so you don’t have to purchase in-flight internet. This goes for music as well. You can download playlists on Spotify or with your Apple Music. It is best to use a playlist that will help you distract you from the anxiety, whether it is calming music or rock and roll music.

Conversing with someone you already know or even a new seat neighbor can be a great distraction. You can even find yourself making a new friend while keeping your mind off any issues that cross your mind.

These varieties of distractions are great, especially if they can engulf you so that you don’t pay any mind to your anxiety. You may need to do some relaxation techniques to help you get focused, but you can do it.

Use Relaxation Techniques

You can practice many relaxation techniques to lower your blood pressure, heart rate, and anxiety. These relaxation techniques are great for your anxiety while flying and whenever you feel stressed out and need something to help calm you. Here are some of those techniques:

  • Meditation
  • Guided breathing.
  • Counting to ten or more.
  • Visualize a place where you are happy.
  • Focus on relaxing your muscles.
  • Ground yourself to the world around you.
  • Interrupt any anxious thoughts.
  • Try the “10-Second Grip.”
  • Bring an item that calms you down.

Practice these techniques before the flight to see which one is best for you. You may find several that work. It is good to have options just in case you can’t always concentrate on one technique.

10-Second Grip

This relaxation technique is exactly what you think it is. You simply grip the armrests while you flex all the muscles in your body. Try to refrain from flexing your neck, which can reduce blood flow into your brain and make you light-headed.

Contracting all the muscles in your body will distract your concentration momentarily. You will do this for 10 seconds. Once you have done this for 10 seconds, slowly exhale and relax your muscles. Do this until you feel a little more relaxed.

Familiarize Yourself With Planes

One way to help ease your mind is to familiarize yourself with the plane itself. Understanding why the plane makes a jerked motion or makes a specific noise may help ease your imagination.

When you hear something you aren’t familiar with, you will often find yourself thinking of the worst possible scenarios. This flight of your imagination will only cause your anxiety to worsen, and this is not what you want.

Here are some areas you can learn more about planes to help ease your mind:

  • Understand and identify plane noises.
  • Learn how planes work.
  • Understand the technology that helps planes fly.
  • Learn about the safety measures.
  • Know the statistics about plane crashes or mishaps.

There are many books and articles out there to assist in your journey to learn more about planes. Even understanding a few areas may make your experience on a flight even slightly better.

Avoid Caffeine Or Alcohol

Caffeine and alcohol can make your anxiety worse. Caffeine can make you more agitated and hyperactive. It will cause your anxieties to rise because of this, and it will be harder for you to relax.

Alcohol may have become a crutch, but it just prolongs you from learning the skills to manage it. Alcohol will eventually become useless in reducing your anxieties. If you have depression, it can cause your depression to worsen as it is a depressant.

Both of these also can increase your chances of dehydration. Dehydration can make you feel terrible not only physically but mentally. You can become agitated or drained. Drained people often lash out or are unable to manage their stress.

Be Up To Date On The Forecast

When planning your flight, try to plan based on the weather. If you know that there is a chance of a large storm front during your flight, you may want to change it. Knowing that it will be clear skies and sun will ease your stress because the flight will be a direct, smooth one.

You can also check the turbulence that may occur while in flight. Yes, the skies may be clear, but sometimes there is turbulence. You can look up the turbulence on your flight path and see if there are any chances that a gust of wind might cause a little rough patch.


Flying is a stressful activity even for the most experienced traveler. Turbulence tends to happen and can cause people to be unsettled. These techniques will only assist in the ease of your vacation and make getting there more tranquil. Remember that planes are quite safe and that you are in control of how you react to something.

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